KANYE WEST RANTS ABOUT TRUMP, SLAVERY, AND FREE SPEECH IN TMZ NEWSROOMKanye West pulled up on TMZ, and told the entire newsroom why he believes slavery is a choice and why he decided to wear his Make America Great Again hat Tuesday morning on “TMZ Live.”

Kanye appeared on the show with Candace Owens where both explained “free thought” and how it can make the world a better place.

During the conversation Kanye said, “When you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years?! That sounds like a choice.”

Reporter Van from TMZ newsroom took great offense and fired back at Kanye’s comment.

Kanye also shared with the world that he had liposuction and started popping painkillers. This all leading up to the infamous 2016 breakdown that landed him in a hospital for more than a week.

Kanye revealed his battle with opioids during his appearance Tuesday on “TMZ Live.” He talked about visiting President Trump in December of 2016. He says, “I was drugged the f**k out, bro!”

He went on to explain he was addicted to opioids that doctors had prescribed after he had lipo surgery. Kanye says he started taking more pills during his Pablo tour. The tour was cut short in November 2016 due to his hospitalization.

Kanye’s got major beef with the amount of meds he was prescribed, and thinks America in general is drugged out According to TMZ.

Kanye says he didn’t want to look “fat” he traces his concern back to the way he feels the media treated his brother-in-law, Rob Kardashian.

You can see the full Kanye interview on “TMZ Live.”



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