Find out Kayne West new college class.

The new hiphop course titled “Politics Kayne West: Black Genius and Sonic Aesthetics,” will be held at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. According to one of the professor’s for the course, an associate professor in the African and African-American Studies departments.  “I always wanted to teach a course looking at black genius and the impossibility of black genius for the American public,” Dr. Jeffrey McCune said while speaking with the “We’re always thought of as maybe being articulate or smart but not really genius.  Hip-hop is a way to show our creative genius. Kanye really uses hip-hop as a vehicle to display all of his talents, albeit some better than others.” Additionally, McCune plans to use his course as a tool “to get students to connect issues of politics, race, gender, sexuality and culture.” According to the course syllabus, the 75 students currently enrolled in the course can expect to delve into topics that include


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