T.I. Shares His Greatest Mistake As A Music Executive


T.I. reportedly stated that one of his greatest career mistakes was working with the In My Defense rapper.

Things are getting tense between T.I. and Iggy Azalea. The Atlanta rapper was instrumental in helping to develop his protegé in the early years of her career, but when she began to rub people the wrong way with her lyrics—like calling herself a “runaway slave master”—and social media responses, T.I. began to back away slowly from the Australian artist.

Iggy told the person that she and T.I. have nothing to do with each other and she doesn’t want to be involved in any narratives about his feelings towards another artist. However, their names have once again made headlines after T.I. reportedly stated that one of his greatest career mistakes was working with the In My Defense rapper.

“I’m still actively looking for another female rapper who can undo the blunder of Iggy Azalea,” T.I. said. “That is the tarnish of my legacy as far as [being] a [music] executive is concerned. To me, this is like when Michael Jordan went to play baseball.” His remarks circulated on social media and Iggy took notice, and in another post-and-delete move, she responded to his criticisms by writing, “Imagine thinking I was his biggest blunder lmaooooooooo. Tip. Sweetie. We have a whole list for you.” Yikes.

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