A few days ago a story of a young girl being tormented by her classmates went viral. The sixth-grader attends Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia and said three white classmates bombarded her on the playground last week and used scissors to cut off some of her dreadlocks.  She said the 3 boys teased that her hair was “nappy” and “ugly.”

The girl and her family visited the school Monday morning to issue an apology.  Her family’s attorney maintains that she has been the victim of bullying, and is seeking counseling.

When the police pulled up the security footage from the playground it was found that the girls’ story couldn’t be proven based on the day and time she reported.

The girl & her family’s formal apology below:

“To those young boys and their parents, we sincerely apologize for the pain and anxiety these allegations have caused,” the family said in a statement. “To the administrators and families of Immanuel Christian School, we are sorry for the damage this incident has done to trust within the school family and the undue scorn it has brought to the school.”

School officials responded

“While we are relieved to hear the truth and bring the events of the past few days to a close, we also feel tremendous pain for the victims and the hurt on both sides of this conflict,” the school said in a statement. “We recognize that we now enter what will be a long season of healing.”

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