{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER}Mother Goes To Daughter’s School To Report Bullying, Bullies Beat Her Too


After Maria Jimenez discovered her daughter was being bullied, she decided to go to the school to report the incidents.

Maria Guadalupe Jimenez, who just gave birth to a baby girl four months ago, spent two nights in the hospital after the incident at James Logan High School.

“I pick up my wife from the floor with the eyes wide, she was bleeding over,” said Jimenez’ husband, Eder Rojas. 

Their 16-year-old daughter goes to school at James Logan and told them she was being bullied by a group of girls.

Before she even made it through the door, Jimenez was then attacked by two girls who kicked and punched her until she lost consciousness.

“They want to hit my daughter but I cover a lot that they didn’t they couldn’t get there so they grabbed my wife,” Rojas said. “She has the bones broken right here, she has the eyes all red a bump here.”

Only one of the juveniles was charged with battery.

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