{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} 2 Students make a plot against their school!


2 Students make a “Hit List” to attack their school !

Atlanta – 2 Teenagers by the name of Alfred Dupree (17) and Victoria McCurley (17) are currently being charged as adults after they made some deadly threats involving their school.

County Sheriff officers got involved when they received a hint from the school about the 2 teens. Officials say once they started investigating into the matter they found hidden journals, a home made flammable substance, and a pile of unknown powder substance in their surroundings.

The school sent out a letter to parents and families stating “Everyone here takes any kind of threat very seriously. We don’t want anything to happen to out students in our county, or in our community and we will do anything to protect them. We don’t take anything for granted because there’s always a chance that something could’ve happened, and God forbid that something would have.”

One parent name Pham V. told officials “It is quite concerning to know that students there have no idea what’s going on or who they are. It really gives me chills to hear this kind of thing happening at the school that both of my kids are going to.”

Well According to the principal and County Sheriff Officials, these 2 students will face disciplinary action and charges are being filled. Stay safe Atlanta!



Do you think these kids deserve their punishment being charged as adults? Comment your thoughts below!

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