{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} Disney Channel is set to make history!!


Disney channel is making “Gay” History.

Atlanta – Disney Chanel is making history as they launch season 2 of Andi Mack and reveal that the  main character is gay!

The show is going to be about a 13 year old teenager Andi discovering she is a beautiful gay individual.

Andi goes on adventures with her friends learning about adult life growing up and who they are as individuals. Andi Mack relates to teens telling their story about who they are.

The Disney cast and everyone involved in the show are assuring everyone that it’s appropriate for all audiences and sends a powerful message about respect for humanity.

The Season 2 premier will show Andi and her friends dealing with typical teenage issues when it comes to emotional feelings.

Andi is trying to sort out her feelings she has for a boy that she likes but her best friend Cyrus has a secret crush on the same guy!

Disney explains that in more episodes to air, Cyrus will begin to understand himself better with the love and support from his close friends and family.

Andi Mack season two will premiere Friday, Oct. 27 at 8:00 p.m. EST on Disney Channel.

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