{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} Teacher Drags a 4 year old from class!


Pre-k teacher is now under investigation after hurting a 4 year old child!

Atlanta – A pre-k teacher is facing some serious heat after she dragged a little boy name Jaycion from her class because he wouldn’t lay down to take a nap like the rest of the children. The incident happened at Heritage Elementary School in College Park.

This incident is so sad for those of us who have children of our own because the child was terrified and no adult authority was present. Jaycion (4yrs) told his mother “She grabbed me off of my mat and dragged me down the hallway just like this.”

The parents of course took action with this incident and filed complaints with the school and the board of education. When they finally got a response back from the school it was an email that stated “Please write out a witness statement and we will began an investigation. DFCS will be contacted, but there is only little that we can share other than the allegation is now being investigated.”

Unfortunately for Jaycion he was kicked out of school shortly after this allegation and his parents believed it was because of the complaint.  Jaycion’s parents said the administrators told them the other Pre-K classes were full and their son cannot come back.

As of now, his parents are scrambling to find another school and sadly they said they have not heard back from the school board on the results of the investigation.



Do you think this is fair for a 4 year old child? Comment your thoughts below!





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