{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} Georgia May Change DUI Cases Forever!


The Supreme State could change the rules of taking a breathalyzer test !

Atlanta- The Supreme State maybe creating a new ruling that makes it more difficult for authorities to give people a breathalyzer test or refusals in giving you a DUI case.

Ruling experts at the Supreme State state that they are taking a look into the recent/future traffic stop’s and monitoring how those interaction’s go down. Traffic Stops between citizens and the police will be reviewed by the state as well as reviewing what the police can use as evidence against you.

In the new ruling, the state supreme court is making 2 new things clear about a DUI stop. A police officer CAN NOT force you take a breathalyzer test and If you refuse to take the test, your decision can not be used against you as if you were guilty.

DUI Attorney Ben Sessions says “ This change is going to take away what authorities used as a valuable tool, which was they get to turn around and use your decision to exercise your right against you.This makes law enforcement officers more careful and respectful in the way they treat people.”

With this new ruling from the state authorities can no longer harass you by assuming you’re drunk. You can simply say No! because its all about the people and the police communicating better.





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