{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} JAMES COMEY: “Trump Is a Liar and Yes, We’re Looking Into Russia Ties” (I’m paraphrasing a little…)



FBI Director James Comey is not here for Trump.  During his testimony, he noted that there was “no information to support” President Donald Trump’s outlandish claim that former President Barack Obama tapped his office during the 2016 election.

 Appearing before the House Intelligence Committee alongside National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, both men confirmed for the first time publicly that the FBI is in fact investigating Russia’s involvement with the 2016 presidential election and President Trump and his associates’ connections to Russia.

“We’re investigating whether there was any coordination between people associated with the Trump campaign and the Russians,” Comey said, according to USA Today.  Comey declined to elaborate further, noting that he wouldn’t be speaking about an ongoing investigation. He did note that he believes there was a third party involved in the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s email.

 Comey and Rogers also stated that there was no evidence that Russia interfered with actual votes during the 2016 election.



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