{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} Pelosi “RIPS’ President trump’s state of the union address


Nancy Pelosi cause a huge reaction when she ‘RIPS” President Trump State of The Union Address

Nancy Pelosi rips President Trump’s speech behind him as he completes State of the Union

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, clearly didn’t appreciate President Trump’s State of the Union speech, ripping her printed copy of the speech quickly as the president wrapped up his comments Tuesday night.

When Fox News asked her a short time later for what valid reason she did it, she said She included: “I destroyed it. I was attempting to discover one page with the truth on it. I couldn’t find it.”

On the heels of an impeachment trial, which is expected to end in an acquittal in the Senate on Wednesday, the pressure was discernible among Pelosi and Trump. The president evidently “reprimanded” the speaker when she attempted to shake his hand as he gave printed copies of his address to her and to Vice President Mike Pence.

Pelosi sometimes rearranged the pages of the president’s speech all through his address. At the point when he completed, she made her dramatic move.

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