T.I.’s son Clifford “King” Joseph Harris III, who’s also known by his stage name Kid Saiyan, was recently involved in a fight at school. More details inside…

Footage of the brawl began making its rounds on social media earlier this week. The 22-second video, which was shared on Twitter, first shows the 15-year-old getting punched repeatedly while in a school bathroom. However, after a few seconds, King is shown throwing his opponent, an unidentified student, on a bathroom wall before elbowing him in the ribs.

Nearly half a dozen students looked on as King and the student exchanged blows. The fight appears to have been captured on an onlooker’s phone.

And despite being smaller than his rival, TI and Tiny’s son King held up well. In the video that surfaced in the media, you see King punching the alleged bully repeatedly in the face. And while King is hit back, he doesn’t allow his rival to slow him down.

The two boys decided to hash out their differences – by fighting. They scheduled a time to meet inside the boy’s bathroom at their elite private high school and had a one on one fight.

In the video, you see King punching the alleged bully repeatedly in the face. And while King is hit back, he doesn’t allow his rival to slow him down. At one point TI’s son had his opponent pinned, and he landed multiple elbows to his rib cage. Neither boy was injured during the altercation, and that school officials are looking into punishing the boys for fighting.

Any Thoughts?? Video Link  https://flyheight.com/videos/pr5c9j/

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