RiRi is securing the bag!

The world has been calmly sitting tight for new music from Rihanna, just as a narrative by Peter Berg. Amazon allegedly procured the rights to the foreseen documentary.

The streaming giant paid an astounding $25 million for the flick, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Berg, who worked together with Riri on the 2012 sci-fi film, Battleship, declared the undertaking in 2016.

“We have around a thousand hours of film,” the executive told THR in a 2017 meeting. “That was a fun change in pace … to go travel with Rihanna around Europe, and Rihanna is encompassed by young ladies. We were in Nice [France]. She would do a show on Bastille Day. What’s more, that truck driver who murdered every one of those individuals pushed through them directly before our lodging. So even in me attempting to accomplish something light, I had an extremely, unparalleled view to something that terrible.”

The narrative should give an “unfiltered look” into the artist’s life, business, helpful endeavors, and her ascent to superstardom. Berg revealed to Deadline he believes the undertaking to be to a greater extent a “character study” rather than a narrative.

Fans are looking forward to the new documentary!

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