{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER] French Montana Hospitalized With Cardiac Issues, Stomach Pain


French Montana has been hospitalized following reports he’d been experiencing stomach pain, nausea, and most alarmingly, an elevated heart rate. Police responded to a call early Thursday afternoon at the Moroccan/American rapper’s home in Calabasas, California.

Officers arrived at the 35-year-old’s residence expecting to respond to a robbery. While that turned out to be a false alarm, they noticed he was acting irregularly, as sources close to the rapper noted his health complaints. He was taken to a San Fernando Valley hospital. He was reportedly awake and alert, and is expected to be released shortly after being treated with IV fluids.

The cause of Montana’s condition isn’t clear, but Montana had apparently been traveling across Europe and the Middle East of late. It’s suspected that he may have eaten some contaminated food while abroad.

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