{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} A Drunk Driver was going 155 mph !!


Drunk driver in an exotic sports car driving 155 mph?

Atlanta – Police have arrested a man by the name dwayne sheerwood. Sheerwood was going 155 mph on a highway when an officer noticed the sports car flying by. The officer had to pull out the emergency equitment kit just to try and stop sheerwood’s car which still went on for miles before being caught.

The officer stated “The car came to such a sudden stop and then there was smoke coming from the brakes. This incident could have been bad, not only for himself, but also for the family’s out there driving just trying to get home.”

Police say that sheerwood’s eyes were glassy and he smelled of alcohol. When they asked him how much he’d had to drink he said not much. Then they gave him a sobriety test he failed. Police took sheerwood to jail that night for DUI, speeding, failing to maintain his lane and for driving with an expired tag.

A citizen who saw this incident told officers “You need to lock him up and throw away the key. They need to get tougher policies for drivers who endanger the lives of others.”

Do you agree he should go to jail for his reckless driving even though no one got hurt? Comment below your thoughts!
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