{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} Gas Returning to 2$ a gallon?


Gas prices could return to 2$ a gallon??!!

Atlanta – Can you believe that by the end of November gas prices may be down to 2$ a gallon?

The average gas price’s in the metro Atlanta area is 2.40$, but in some parts of Atlanta gas prices are already down to 2.15$ a gallon!

Gas expert Andy Milton says “Gas Prices should have never increased to begin with. I don’t see why a hurricane tragedy would cause gas prices to go up so fast. When you think about some of the other storms that have taken place, it seemed to be about same prices.”

Because Atlanta used to pay a high tax on gas prices, now they have the option of choosing the lowest price. Since the hurricane tragedy gas prices were up 60 cents a day and now people who couldn’t afford it than, can now.

Gasbuddy expert Barbara Dixon says she didn’t drive much before but since gas is down by the lowest price now she stated “Why not? Before prices were too high. And sometimes I would just walk.”

Milton made a statement announcing that Atlanta is predicting $2 per gallon by Christmas.



Are you happy with these new gas prices? Comment your thoughts below!

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