{STREETZ MORNING TAKEOVER} Thief Steals 2 Million$ from Courier Van


Thief steals 2 Million dollars from a Courier van!

Atlanta- in less than 10 mins Wednesday night, an unknown thief stole a courier van and nearly 2 Million$ outside of a Citizens Trust Bank in Decatur, GA. FBI say broken glass was still in the parking lot where the man stole the van containing $1.8 million in cash.

The FBI stated they have surveillance footage and was able to capture a blurry shot of the suspect as he’s committing the heist. The footage shows a person in dark pants, a gray long-sleeve shirt, with a black backpack approaching the vehicle. The suspect came up on the driver’s side door and then the passenger’s side door.

FBI says the van was parked outside the bank while the two employees with ATM Response were putting cash into an ATM at the bank. When the employee’s came back out, they came back to find broken glass where they left their vehicle. According to DeKalb County Marshals, they found the van ditched in a neighborhood up the street, but the suspect and the money were gone!


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