{HOLIDAY SEASON LIVE} U.S. Travel Ban To North Korea Begins on September 1



After the death of a college student named Otto Warmbier who was held captive in North Korea, the State Department has announced that a ban on travel to North Korea will go into effect on September 1, 2017. The late University of Virginia student was held in a North Korea airport as he was preparing to leave on January 2, 2016. Warmbier was sent back to the United States in June 2017 while in a coma. The man died six days after reaching the states.

The State Department said there is a “serious and mounting risk of arrest and long-term detention of U.S. citizens” if they travel to North Korea, which is why they are banning citizens from traveling to the country. The ban is set to last for a year at the least. The department gave the heads up to anyone with a U.S. passport traveling in the country that they should leave before the ban goes into effect.

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