{HOLIDAY SEASON}George Lopez Responds to Iran’s Bounty on Trump: We’ll Do It for Half


George Lopez responds to the alleged $80 million bounty on President Trump. More details inside.

George Lopez has started a lot of controversy in the wake of reacting to a claimed $80 million bounty put on President Trump’s head following Iranian general Qassem Soleimani was executed in a U.S. airstrike.

An eulogist at Soleimani’s burial service required an $80 million bounty on Trump while tending to crowds in the city of Mashhad. The unidentified man expressed, “We are 80 million Iranians. On the off chance that every last one of us sets aside one American dollar, we will have 80 million American dollars, and we will compensate any individual who presents to us [Trump]’s head with that sum.”

The Instagram account @chicanoworldstar posted about the bounty and Lopez reacted by expressing, “We’ll do it for half.” Lopez was supported by other individuals and comics Kathy Griffin and Chris D’Elia in the wake of being hammered on the web.

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