{Holiday Season Live} Obama Care Has NOT Been Repealed!


Despite repeated attempts by the Trump Administration to Dismantle it…  Details inside!

Well, it appears that open enrollment for Obamacare has officially begun for 2018!  What this means is, that if you currently don’t have health insurance through your employer, partner or family, you’re eligible to sign up for coverage between November 1 and December 15.

There seems to be a lot of confusion and misinformation circulating about the Affordable Care Act. Many people believe it’s been repealed; however, Obamacare has survived repeated attempts by the Trump Administration and Congress to repeal it.  According to… Read the full story on our website: www.streetz945atl.com (link in bio) #holidayseasonlive #streetz945atl #obamacare

Streetz is here to keep you informed. To find the perfect plan for you, either through the insurance marketplaces or private companies, log onto Healthcare.gov.

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