It was suppose to be the biggest day of the year for Love & Hip Hop star Tahiry Jose on Friday, as she celebrated both Cinco de Mayo and her 38th birthday. And while she followed through with plans to hit the town and get lit, the occasion went south when a friend who has been living with her began to bug out, she says. Hours later, the birthday girl found herself locked up behind bars for assault.

“I was the birthday girl so I had to be the host. I don’t even know what went wrong, she (the girl involved in the fight) got into it with one of the other people at the party and she stormed off,” Tahiry recalled, in an interview with Bossip. Despite the altercation, the crew stood out a little longer to get the most out of the late night/early morning fun. But upon returning to her New Jersey home at around 5 a.m., she says, she had to walk past neighbors who had been awoken by shouting and the sound of clashing. She says she’d then enter her home to find that it had been wrecked.

According to Tahiry and a couple of friends who had walked her to her residence, the young woman, who Tahiry had recently opened her home to, until she got her situation sorted out after being evicted by her live-in ex, began to get physical with the reality show star. The commotion went down, they say when Tahiry began to move the guest’s boxes into the hall. By the time police arrived, enough punches and hair pulling had been exchanged, that the woman’s face had been scratched up and marked by bruises, prompting them to put her in cuffs regardless of the dispute happening in her own home.

She’d be booked on an assault charge and released the following day.

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