Democrats Boycott the White House Lunch.

No lunch for congressional Democrats at the White House on Tuesday. Several lawmakers declined an invite from the president to discuss the partial government shutdown, which has broken the longest government shutdown record with no resolution on the horizon.
The White House reached out to democratic leadership to discuss the matter of the extensive government shutdown due to President Donald Trump’s demand for a border before he considers reopening the government over lunch. The Democrats decided to not accept the offer.

This decision has caused a wedge between the two, and a stalled state of negotiation. Democrats said Trump walked out and banged his fists on a table when House Speaker when she stated that she will not accept the condition of reopening the government being to build a wall during the last face to face negotiation meeting. This week the house plans on voting on bills to reopen the government for different periods of time so that government workers can receive paychecks.

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